Ride Like A Pro #3 – Cornering, Climbing and Descending:

Cornering is a fundamental skill that every cyclist must master. It involves navigating turns smoothly and efficiently, while maintaining control and speed.

Proper cornering technique can help you conserve energy and maintain momentum.

To improve your cornering skills, start by looking through the corner to where you want to go. Your bike follows your eyes, so focus on the desired line rather than looking down or at obstacles. Additionally, distribute your weight and pressure on the outside foot and inside arm. This will provide traction and help you maintain the trajectory of the turn.

Practice cornering in a safe environment, such as an empty parking lot, and gradually increase your speed and confidence. Remember to stay relaxed and maintain a good body position, with your weight cantered over the bike.

Climbing is a challenging aspect of cycling that requires both physical strength and technical skill. Proper climbing technique can help you conserve energy, maintain traction, and tackle steep ascents more efficiently.

When climbing, it’s important to find a comfortable cadence and maintain a steady rhythm. This will help you distribute your effort more evenly and avoid burning out prematurely.

Use your gears wisely to find the optimal balance between power and cadence. Shift to a lower gear before the climb becomes too challenging, and try to maintain a consistent effort throughout the ascent.

When climbing out of the saddle, focus on maintaining a smooth and fluid motion. Use your body weight to generate power, and avoid rocking the bike from side to side excessively.

Practice climbing on different gradients and terrains to develop your climbing skills and build your strength. Incorporate hill repeats and longer climbs into your training routine to improve your endurance and ability to sustain the effort on climbs.

Descending on a bike can be both exhilarating and challenging.

It requires a combination of skill, technique, and confidence. By mastering the art of descending properly, you can safely navigate downhill sections while maintaining control and speed.

When descending, start by choosing the correct line and position on the road. Look ahead and anticipate any obstacles or changes in the road surface. Use your brakes judiciously, applying them smoothly and evenly to maintain control without locking up the wheels.

Maintain a relaxed and stable body position, with your hands on the drops of the handlebars for better control. Shift your weight back slightly to maintain balance and prevent the front wheel from lifting off the ground.

Practice descending on different types of terrain and gradually increase your speed as you become more comfortable and confident. Remember to always prioritise safety and ride within your limits.

Improving your cycling skills is a continuous process that requires practice, dedication, and a willingness to push your limits.

By incorporating the techniques and tips outlined in this guide, you can enhance your bike handling, group riding, and overall performance on the bike.

Remember to always ride safely, listen to your body, and have fun while honing your skills.

So, get out there, pedal with purpose, and ride like a pro!
Continued #1 – Bike Handling Skills
Continued #2 – Braking and Riding in a Group

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