The humble bicycle is the world’s most energy efficient form of transport. It has largely remained the same in shape and form for the last 100 years.
Of course some things have altered. Weight and frame design, wheels, groupsets, handlebars and much more. This is all possible due to refined design tools advanced techniques and access to stronger and lighter materials.
However one component has largely remained unchanged…and that is the ‘water bottle’. It hasn’t altered because it’s been the same for so long….we are about to change that!
Current Bottle Cage faults include the following:
- Bottle cage always needs to be smaller in size than the bottle it’s holding, to keep it secure.
- A bottle cage can only ever hold a bottle.
- Bottle cages damages the bottle and hides logos.
- Bottles don’t match the modern frame designs.

At Freedom, we have overcome the embedded problems to create a new way of hydration, but more importantly a new way of storage for your bike.
- Secure the bottle internally to eliminate the shortcomings of the traditional system.
- Internal mounting means we can create any accessory or bottle in any shape!
- All bottles and accessories fit the SAME pin!!

One of my favourite brands:
In the early days of the SpeedX saga, I came across the Freedom Cycle System on Kickstarter, the crowdfunding platform.
It is an Australian project, launched by Tim Holmes and Steve Serpall. The Kickstarter campaign was launched in July 2016 and was looking for some AUD$30,000 (approx £17,000) of funding.
As the idea was centred on an aero dynamic water bottle, and the SpeedX Leopard was an aero bike, it was (almost) a match made in heaven.
I had a number of email conversations with Tim, regarding supplying, either the company or the backers with a branded Freedom Fast water bottle. I approached SpeedX with the idea, and eventually the word came back – not interested.
Freedom Cycle System could still provide a branded bottle, but the minimum order to have them SpeedX branded, would be 100 bottles at approx AUD$35 each.
So, that idea didn’t go anywhere, which was just as well as the project didn’t reach its full funding target.
I’ve been using the Freedom Fast (aero bottle) on my Leopard Pro and the Freedom Ease (round bottle) on my MEKK. I find them very easy to use and very easy to get them on and off the bike, while riding, even at speed. The sizes 550ml (Freedom Fast) and 650ml (Freedom Ease) are perfectly adequate for all situations.
The fear is that the pin won’t hold them securely! However, I have been over some very bad cobbles (nearly shook the fillings out of my teeth) and had no problems with either bottle. Totally secure. The pin has a 2 stage locking system – push on for normal riding and a second push makes them totally secure.
The Freedom Fast is well shaped and fits your hand perfectly. Having the top and bottom come apart for cleaning, makes it easy to stop them ‘smelling’.

The Freedom Team are currently working on more products that will use the central fixing pin. It is a concept that can take any number of ‘products’. And I’m looking forward to future development.
These include a smaller version of the Freedom Ease (Freedom Junior;) an easy to access snack box (Freedom Fuel) that will be mounted on the down tube; a larger storage unit to carry your lunch (Freedom Feed); and a carry bag for those trips to the shops (Freedom Carry).
Personally, I’m really looking forward to the Freedom Fuel.
Freedom Cycle System commissioned wind tunnel testing on the Freedom Ease.
The sole purpose was to determine the aerodynamic interference of the BOTTLE CAGE.
The results were astonishing.
You will see in the 3 test segments the negative effect the cage has on cycle aerodynamics…or more importantly the positive effect a cage-less system delivers.
Time savings were calculated for a cyclist producing a constant 400 (watts) over a 50 km time trial course; and assumes a flat road, no wind, and a constant temperature (density 1.225 kg/m 3).
Time saving:
Freedom Pin over Cage 1 = 17.9 seconds
Freedom Pin over Cage 2 = 13.8 seconds

A concept design for ALL Riders:
The Freedom Cycle System is available to order now from
the online shop here at A Man On A Bike: