Facebook Post Approval: Is it Worth it for Your Business? ‍

In today’s digital age, social media platforms have become an integral part of any businesses’ marketing strategy.

With millions of users worldwide, Facebook is undoubtedly one of the most popular platforms for businesses to connect with their target audience.

However, maintaining a professional image and ensuring the quality of content shared on Facebook can be very challenging.

That’s where the Facebook Post Approval feature comes into play.

I am a member of a number of Facebook Groups; Admin of 4 Groups and the ‘Owner’ of a 3,700-member Cycling Group.

None of my Groups has Post Approval switch on – except one….!

It feels like Censorship… 

However, is it something we should all be doing…?

Facebook post approval is a feature that allows page administrators to review and approve posts before they are published on their business page or in the Group.

Essentially, it provides an extra layer of control over the content that appears on your page.

When enabled, any posts made by others on your page will not be visible to the public until you review and approve them.

This feature helps businesses maintain a consistent brand image, prevent spam or inappropriate content from being posted, and ensure that all posts align with their marketing objectives.

The Good:

Ø  Maintaining brand consistency:

One of the significant advantages of the post approval process is the ability to maintain brand consistency.

With this feature enabled, you have complete control over the content that is published on your business page.

You can review each post and ensure that it aligns with your brand voice, messaging, and overall marketing strategy.

This level of control allows you to present a cohesive and professional image to your audience, enhancing brand perception and recognition.

Ø  Preventing spam and inappropriate content:

Spam and inappropriate content can be detrimental to your business’s online reputation. By enabling Facebook post approval, you can effectively filter out such content before it goes live.

Post Approval allows you to review each post and remove any spam, offensive language, or content that may harm your brand’s image.

By actively moderating the content on your page, you create a safe and engaging environment for your audience, promoting positive interactions and user-generated content.

Ø  Mitigating potential social media crises:

In today’s digital landscape, social media crises can quickly escalate and damage a business’s reputation.

Facebook post approval provides an additional layer of protection by allowing you to assess posts before they are visible to the public. This feature gives you the opportunity to identify and address any potential issues or negative sentiments before they gain traction.

By proactively managing your page’s content, you can minimize the impact of a crisis and maintain a positive brand image.

The Bad:

Ø  Delayed response time:

While Facebook post approval offers numerous benefits, it can also lead to very delayed response times.

Every post made by others on your page needs to be reviewed and approved manually, which can be time-consuming, especially if your page receives a high volume of user-generated content.

This delay in response time may cause frustration among users who expect their posts to be visible immediately.

It is crucial to strike a balance between maintaining control over your content and ensuring timely interactions with your audience.

Ø  Reduced spontaneity and real-time engagement:

Facebook is a platform that thrives on real-time interactions and spontaneity.

By enabling post approval, you may limit the spontaneity of your page and miss out on timely engagement opportunities.

While it’s essential to maintain control over your content, it’s equally important to respond quickly to your audience’s comments, questions, and feedback.

Striking a balance between moderation and engagement is crucial to leverage the full potential of Facebook as a marketing tool.

Ø  Increased workload for Group / Page administrators:

Enabling Facebook post approval means additional responsibilities for page administrators.

The process of reviewing and approving posts can be time-consuming, especially if your page receives a significant amount of user-generated content.

It requires dedicated resources and manpower to ensure that posts are reviewed “promptly”. And what is ‘promptly’?

An Hour? Two Hours? A Day? Two Days?

The maximum, I have had to wait for a Post to be approved is in excess of 3 days –

And that cannot be called Post Approval, it’s either incompetence, censorship or nobody working in the Social Media Department.

It’s essential to assess your team’s capacity and workload before opting for post approval, as it may require adjustments to your existing workflow.

PART #2 Wednesday 6th March

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