When you give out your business card, what action do you want the recipient to take?

The reason you give them out is that the recipient will take some action.

Get Noticed: How many times do you put someone’s business card straight into your pocket without reading it properly.

Grab their attention, curiosity or interest. Try using plastic, metal or even wood to stand out. A different material or even shape is sure to get you noticed in a world of rectangular cardboard cards.

Don’t overcrowd your card. Have all your details printed in a clear readable font at a good size. 8pt size in not easy to read unless you use a magnifying glass.

Be careful about using oversize cards, they can be difficult to file and won’t go easily into a Business Card folder.

Be creative – use the back of your card for an offer, or an interesting image.

The goal is to get your card noticed.

Get Kept: You don’t want your card dropped straight into the bin, do you?

Have a reason on your card why it should be kept.

Have useful information on your card. Have links to interesting web sites or personal information ‘just for them.’

If you don’t have your mobile number on your card, why not write it on for those people you want to do business with – personalise the card.

Get Passed On: Getting your card passed on doubles your exposure in the business world.

Whatever makes your business card unique, interesting, and useful or out-of-the-ordinary will help get your card passed on.

Ask your contacts to pass your cards on; give them four or five of your cards to pass on to people they meet who might need your services.

Visit Your Website: Encourage them to visit your web site by offering them something, especially something for free, details of which could be on the back of your business card.

Sell Something: Why not list something you are proud of on your card? This could be your book, e-book, widget or something else you’ve had a hand in, especially your best seller.

Business Cards are not just for business or networking meetings – use them or leave them anywhere business people are seen.

If you eat regularly at a particular restaurant, leave a few of your cards by the till.

When you leave a tip in a restaurant, leave a short thank you on the back of one of your cards.

When you send anything out by mail, either from your business or personally always include a couple of your business cards. You never know in whose office they’ll end up!

Use your business cards as you would any other marketing material and make them work for you.

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