2022 Review

2022 Review

As another year comes to a close, it is time to look back at some of the interesting high points of 2022. The weather at the start of the year was very mixed with temperatures about normal. Some nice bright days and some dull and miserable ones. In other words – an...
Wot.! No Cav…

Wot.! No Cav…

Mark Cavendish – the “Manx Missile” will, this year, not be defending his Green Jersey at the 2022 Tour de France. A couple of days before the start of the TdeF, Cavendish won the British National Road Championship for the second time in his career. However,...
A Good Read #5

A Good Read #5

An interesting new book turned up this month: Tour de France Champions: An A-Z by Giles Bebbin. The introduction by the famous Phil Liggett MBE says: “This is a remarkable book by Giles Bebbin and, although millions of words have been written about La Grande Boucle, I...

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