Jun 20, 2012 | Business, Networking, Networking Skills
When you start to go to Networking Meetings, it is very hard to start conversations, so a couple of ideas to help: approach people who are standing alone, ask if you may join them and introduce yourself. They are probably just as nervous as you are – and will be...
Apr 14, 2012 | Business, Meetings, Networking, Networking Skills
When going to networking events or meetings always have a plan. Ask yourself a few questions: Why am I going to this event? How many new people do I want to meet? Am I looking for a specific category of client? Am I looking for an introduction to a certain prospect?...
Feb 28, 2012 | Business, Meetings, Networking
Business in difficult times Have you ever asked yourself the question “How did they find that business?” or “How did he find that job?” because you didn’t hear anything about it. The answer is probably by Networking or through ‘the...