Dear Readers
Welcome to – A Man On A Bike > Articles.
It is with great excitement that I introduce you to my new series of Articles on Cycling, Business, and anything else that interests me.
Whether you are an avid cyclist, or just starting out; whether you are new to business or are a seasoned Sales Director or Entrepreneur, I hope that these articles will inspire you to explore more of my thoughts and ideas.
Cycling is not just a fun and healthy way to move around, it is also a form of self-expression; a way to connect with nature and the world around us, and a way to build our community.
Like-wise, Business, especially Sales, can be a frightening place. I hope that my articles will help you to simplify and clarify some complex ideas.
My articles will explore aspects of cycling and business and open up a world of opportunities.
I expect that each article will offer my perspective on the topic concerned and that you will find them refreshing and inspiring.
I will also provide tips and advice for cyclists of all levels from beginners to seasoned pros.
I believe that cycling is more than just a hobby or a sport; it is a way of life.
Through my articles over the next few years, I hope to share my passion for all things cycling with you; and encourage you to embrace this wonderful form of transportation, exercise and community building.
Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to sharing my insights and experience with you.
Enjoy reading the articles, send me feedback an d let me know how I can help you.
Paul Ashbury