Moving on from my original article in September 2017, I thought we would revisit “The Rules – The Way of the Cycling Disciple.”
As a reminder, there are 95 Rules contained in the book, that all cycling enthusiasts are encouraged to follow. However, many of the Rules can be applied to real life as well. The way we lead our lives and relate to others.
Here are another 5 Rules, that everyone, not just cyclists should follow.
RULE #6 – Free your mind and the legs will follow.
Your mind and your thoughts are always your worst enemy. However, this is an interesting Rule, in that it can be read in reverse: Free your Legs and the Mind will follow.
If you have a quiet mind – you will cycle more proficiently, however, if you are worried, you will be all over the place.
Ride and Ride Often, the mind will be cleared and you can focus on those problems that seem to be intractable. Some days it comes easily, on other days it will not come at all.
I find that regular riding, helps me solve problems, that sitting at my desk, for days at a time, seem to be totally unsolvable.
We strive for awareness above discomfort. We aim to be faster, smoother, quicker, stronger. We are tuned in.
RULE #10 – It never gets easier, you just go faster.
This quote is from Greg LeMond – one of the Hard Men of cycling. With a quote from another Hard Man – Greg Henderson – “Training is like fighting with a Gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the Gorilla is tired.”
LeMond was a skier in his early years, and the skills leaned on the downhill ski slopes, helped him become one of the great downhill riders. He became World Road Race Champion at the age of 22, beating many of the Hard Men of Europe.
If you want to be better at anything; keep trying and training, go a bit further and faster each time. Don’t save yourself, go large, it will get easier as you train more.
RULE #70 – The purpose of competing is to win.
We live in a win-at-all-costs society. Second isn’t good enough anymore. Third hardly gets a mention.
Except when you are competing against yourself, or you are riding for your mates.
Generally, Road Racing is a Team Sport, and all the Team share the spoils if their Team Leader gets to raise the prize, and bear the brunt of the failure if he doesn’t.
There is a dignity in throwing everything you have at a task and still losing.
The only purpose of competing is to win, but sometimes the manner in which one looses can outshine the victory.
RULE #77 – Respect the Earth; Don’t Litter.
Cycling or any other outdoor activity is not an excuse to drop your litter everywhere.
Do not throw your empty gel packets, energy bar wrappers, punctured tubes or shiny CO² canisters on the road or in the nearest bush. Stuff all trash in your jersey pockets until you get home.
Do not give other cyclists a bad name, we all get tarred with the same brush.
RULE #83 – Be Self-Sufficient.
Unless you are being followed by your own Team Car, when out on your bike you will have to repair your own punctures, or attend to any mechanical issues you may have.
You must do so quickly, using your own skills, using your own equipment and without complaining of the effort it takes.
If you can’t or don’t have the equipment, don’t be surprised if you are shunned by all the other cyclists.
There is also a safety consideration; a well-maintained bicycle is a safe bicycle. You should check over your bike before every ride.
Hope is not a strategy against mishaps, be prepared with the supplies and the knowledge you need in order to return home safely from your ride.
These 5 Rules apply to riding your Bike and also apply to life and business in general.
They were formulated to help you become a better rider, and if applied diligently to your life they will also help you become a better person.